The Board is an integral part of the work of Fatima’s Children. Based in the United States, it is made up of caring members who advise, support, and oversee the finances of the work of Fatima’s Children.
Margaret Semenov
Margaret was introduced to the people of North Africa through her friends. She is privileged to work with Fatima’s Children in helping mothers and children who are in need of assistance.
Rebecca Morin
Vice Chairman
Rebecca has a calling from God to care for children with brain trauma and special physical and emotional issues. She cares deeply for children needing special care. She has worked in social work and therapy along with fostering and adopting children for the past 25 years
Kendra Skaggs
Kendra is a foster and adoptive mom, who has a heart for children. She is thankful for the opportunity to be involved with Fatima’s Children as they serve in North Africa
Kirsten Jenkins
Drew Jenkins
Kirsten lived in North Africa for nearly two years. While there she saw firsthand the many needs of local families, both physically and spiritually. She carries an ongoing passion for these families. Fatima’s Children helps meet the physical needs of families while simultaneously sharing the love of Christ. Kirsten is thankful she can still support families, physically and spiritually.
Drew was introduced to the people and culture of North Africa after marrying Kirsten. Drew currently works in law enforcement, and he is passionate about service and showing kindness to others. Drew is thankful to be a part of Fatima’s Children and how this organization so lovingly serves the people of North Africa.
Gwen McWhorter
Gwen lived and worked in North Africa for 10 years. Her work included 6 years in education and several years working with orphans. While she now lives back in the US, Gwen is eager to stay connected to North Africa and empower locals to come alongside those in need. Fatima's Children values local leadership and expertise, something Gwen is sensitive to and wants to support.
Vanessa Price
Vanessa is a wife and mother of two. She has worked in children's ministry for 24 year. When she was a child, a church stepped in and helped her family with medical needs, food and clothing. When she heard of Fatima’s Children, she knew this was something she wanted to be involved in, a small way to help someone like her family. Vanessa wants to support and be involved in making a difference in lives of children and their mothers.